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Number of sick animals over time by canton, disease, disease group and species

  • animalHealthStatsxsd :string
  • 2024-09-17xsd :date
  • Anzahl der kranken Tiere im Laufe der Zeit nach Kanton, Krankheiten, Krankheitsgruppen und Tierartenderdf :langString
  • Nombre d'animaux malades au fil du temps par canton, maladies, groupes de maladies et espècesfrrdf :langString
  • Number of sick animals over time by canton, disease, disease group and speciesenrdf :langString
  • Numero di animali malati nel tempo per cantone, malattia, gruppo di malattie e specieitrdf :langString
  • 2024-11-12T13:33:52.390Zxsd :dateTime
  • 2024-12-19T13:55:04.082Zxsd :dateTime
  • 12xsd :integer
Number of results per named graph
Graph name Number of results 55